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Welcome to the Second Language Acquisition Lab (SLAL)!


The Second Language Acquisition Lab at the CUNY Graduate Center is a research and teaching lab investigating the linguistic development of second language learners and bilinguals. We run two types of projects: 

  • Experimental studies on language acquisition and bilingualism in adults, including late learners and heritage speakers.  In this area we employ behavioral and psychophysiological methods to measure explicit and implicit knowledge and processing of language.  These studies fall under SLAM, Studies in Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, and include dissertation research by PhD students, thesis research by MA students, and collaborative work done by several lab members;

  • Bilingual literacy.  Here we investigate the development of reading skills in the primary language of emergent bilinguals in order to create resources that can be used in schools and other institutions serving newcomer students. These projects are conducted under the direction of Lab Director Martohardjono and her Multilingual Literacy team.

To find out more about the people and the research in the SLAL, click on the button below. 

Take a virtual tour of our lab!

Coming soon

Martohardjono, G., Johns, M. A., Franciotti, P., Castillo, D., Porru, I., & Lowry, C.


Latest Publications

Para participar debes ser hablante nativo de español y cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:

  • Hablante nativo hablado en:

  • Latino América o

  • Puerto Rico, Cuba, República Dominicana o

  • España

  • Edad 18-45

  • Nacido y criado en Latino América, Puerto Rico, Cuba, República Dominicana o España

  • Si actualmente no vives en ninguno de estos países, te mudaste fuera después de los 18 y no has vivido fuera de estos países por más de 1 año.

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Second Language Acquisition Lab 

CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Ave. – Room 7393


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